"DESCRIPTION 1"="When using "ClearType" as the font smooting default, you can change the contrast (gamma correction) of it here."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="By default, Windows XP uses a default contrast of 1400, but depending on your LCD display, decreasing this value to 900-1100 might have a better result. A good value for normal LCDs is "1000"."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="If you plan to change these settings often, e.g. if you switch between a normal monitor and a LCD, we suggest the software "ClearTweak" which is available from http://www.offroadsearch.com/software/cleartweak/ . It allows you to change the ClearType settings and see the effect immediately."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
Call MsgError("This value can only be changed if you have activated ClearType, which is currently deactivated. Therefore this plug-in is deactivated as well.")
end if
End Sub
Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
if len(i)=0 then
Call MsgError("Unable to update setting - please enter a numeric value !")